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Year 6

Summer Term 2024 


Along with a focus on reading comprehension and grammar we are placing an even greater emphasis this term on independent writing. We will base our writing on a whole range of different texts and stories and will further develop a range of writing styles, including non-chronological reports, explanation texts, instructional texts as well as narratives and poetry. Meanwhile we are continuing with weekly spelling tests, helping the children develop different strategies for accurately spelling tricky words.


During the summer term we are adopting a balanced coverage of arithmetic, problem solving and applying calculations.  We will continue to prepare the children for Year 7 by ensuring they are able to use quick, compact and reliable methods of calculation. There will also be time to develop a range of strategies for reasoning questions, giving the children a toolkit when looking at problems. This includes trial and error, the application of different areas of Maths and identifying patterns in numbers.


Science this term is all about ‘Living Things’. The children will be learning about the five kingdoms and classifying plants and animals though keys and classification models. We will focus on the life cycles of mammals, birds, amphibians and insects. We will then look at the ways that plants reproduce. We will also investigate the parts of a flower and their different functions.


Our Topic lessons start with a history focus looking at the Victorians, beginning with a timeline to understand the chronology of the period. The children will then consider a range of primary and secondary sources to find out about Britain in the 19th century. We will then move on to an investigation of the British Empire and how it reached its peak during the time of Queen Victoria. Meanwhile in Geography pupils will focus on Water, including the water cycle and the journey of a river. Children will also study landforms, water as a resource and pollution. There will also be a chance to study flooding and how this impacts communities.  


In music children will be learning the songs and rehearsing for their summer production. They will focus on developing their vocal range and stamina, as well as understanding where it is important to breathe when singing, in order for the “phrasing” to make sense. Year 6 will also use music technology to create their own Hip-Hop piece, having studied and understood how it came about and what the historical influences on Hip-Hop were.


Our RE focus this term is religions around the world, considering the major faiths. This will allow the children to consider the differences and similarities between these belief systems. We will then find out about the world’s major religious leaders and what they mean to their followers. There will also be an opportunity to find out about different places of worship and how they form a focal point for different communities.


Our lessons in personal, social and health education will this term cover sex education. We will look at the changes in people’s bodies as they grow up as well the effect this has on our emotions and relationships with others. Among the lessons learned will be the importance of personal hygiene and the way we need to look after ourselves especially as we grow older.


Our Art lessons will give children the chance to study famous architects and their work. This will begin with an investigation of Sir Christopher Wren’s famous buildings including St Paul’s Cathedral and move on to more modern architects Anonio Gaudi and  Zaha Hadid. The focus will then shift to water and use the work of Monet and Hockney as a source of inspiration for our artworks.  


We will be developing our cricketing skills this term, improving our ability to throw, catch and bowl. We will also work on improving our skills with the bat, as well as playing lots of games. We will also focus on athletics in preparation for sports day. Pupils will also be challenged with a variety of activities under the umbrella of Outside Adventurous Activities.


In DT the children will have a chance to design and create moving and mechanised toys. We will focus on an understanding of mechanisation including the use of cams. The children will consider different ways to make their toys move and then work together to decide the best way to achieve this. Once the building process is done, there will be a chance to fully evaluate the finished toy and establish ways that it could be improved if made again.


In Computing we will begin with ways of staying safe online, considering all aspects of e-safety. The children will then be challenged to complete 3D modelling using Tinkercad on their Chromebooks. They will have the chance to create a range of objects using computer aided design. Pupils will the complete the year with a physical computing unit of work using BBC Microbits.