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Welcome to our History page

History Curriculum Intent

At Hampton Hargate Primary School we aim to inspire pupil’s curiosity and fascination about the past and that of the wider world, whether this is through a focus on ancient times or that of more modern history. We aim to develop a child’s understanding of how the past links to our modern lives and how we are all part of a historical global community. This enables our children to learn to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain.

We aim to develop a child’s understanding of chronology and a curiosity in the development of technology and the subsequent effects on human development and social interaction. We believe that allowing the children to understand the importance and enjoyment of History through different opportunities which is encouraged through the use of a variety of sources, allowing the pupils to become enthused learners in History. We do this by enriching their knowledge through a variety of visits, visitors and presentations within school and trips. In History at our school, we will also give children opportunities to develop their skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and presentation. We want our children to develop their ability to ask questions, solve historical problems, develop their historical language and enrich their vocabulary and not be satisfied with a simple answer. 

Ultimately, we want all pupils at Hampton Hargate Primary School to achieve the best they can, so we endeavour to teach children to respect the past so they can develop into just and open-minded historians.