Please note that as of 21st January 2025 we currently have the following places in our school :
Year Group | Number of places |
Reception | 3 |
Year 1 | 0 |
Year 2 | 0 |
Year 3 | 0 |
Year 4 | 0 |
Year 5 | 0 |
Year 6 | 0 |
If you wish to enquire about a school place (In Year or Reception September start)for your child at Hampton Hargate Primary School, please contact the Local Authority Admissions Department (01733 864007) who will advise you on how to apply for any places that may be available.
You can find copies of our Prospectus, our most recent Ofsted report and details of school uniform as well as further information, on this website.
Click here to visit the admissions page on the LA website where you can find further information and the appropriate forms. We adhere to the LA admissions policy to address starting in Reception, in-year transfers and appeals.