Welcome to our English page
Please see our Phonics, Reading, and Writing pages.
English – Statement of Intent
At Hampton Hargate Primary School, we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop a child’s love of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and to develop their language and communication skills. Our vision is to inspire children to read widely and often, for enjoyment, for information gathering, and as a tool for enhancing the richness of their written work.
Our children will:
- develop a rich varied language, an understanding of grammar and a knowledge of linguistic conventions for spoken language, reading and writing.
- enjoy a love of reading and writing in order to unlock their imagination and potential to succeed
- read with fluency and expression from a wide range of genres, with a rich variety of language so that they are captivated by reading
- develop a love of literature that celebrates the diverse world in which they live and which reflects their lived experience
- use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas, making connections with their own experiences while learning to listen, respond, persuade and negotiate
- write for a wide range of audiences and purposes, recognise the impact their writing will have on the reader and have the ability to adapt their language and style to communicate their ideas, write creatively and within a wide range of genres.
- master the phonetic and alphabetic code and the English language, by enabling them to explore patterns, structures and origins in order to read, write and spell with confidence
- leave school being able to use fluent, cursive and legible handwriting.
Pupils will acquire a secure knowledge-base taken from, but not limited to, the National Curriculum, developing a progression of skills in English so that, over time, they know more and remember more about language, literature, written and spoken communication.