The Governors meet regularly as a body and in committees.
- Mrs Carolyne Hunt
- Mr Ted Harrison
Governors appointed by the Local Authority:
- Mr Jon Phillipson-Brown
Parent Governors:
- Mr Ian Pratt
- Mr Kwaku Adjepong
Co-opted Governors:
- Mr Ted Harrison
- Mrs Carolyne Hunt
- Mr Christian O’Brien
- Mrs Jude Macdonald
- Mr Mohammed Ladak
- Miss Sarah Moss
- Mrs Amanda Christophi
- Mr Andy Lyons
Staff Governor:
- Mrs Roxanne Wilding
The SEND link governor
- Mrs Jude Macdonald
The Child Protection & Children In Care link governor
- Mr Christian O'Brien
Chairperson and the Governors may be contacted through the school office.
The Clerk To the Governors: Claire Weston
Initial contact to the Governors should be through the school office.
Telephone: 01733 296780