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Music - KS1 - Year 1 / Year 2

Spring Term 2025 

Year 1

In music, we will do two topics. Our first topic will be “The Snail and the mouse”. Children will use bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of music with fast and slow speeds. They will learn and perform a rhyme and a song focussing on fast and slow, having listened to it and understood how the song goes. In our second topic, we will be looking at “The Seaside”. Children will look at how they can turn sounds in different environments into music and use percussion, vocal and body sounds to represent the seaside. They will also look at how music emotions change by making the music loud or soft, which we know as dynamics.

Year 2

Through listening and composing, children will learn to explore how dynamics, tempo and different instruments help to represent parts of stories and to tell “tales”.  They will work in groups to create their own story with relevant effects, recognising characters and actions.  Following this, we will look at different folk songs from the British Isles and other countries. We will work on breathing, accurate pitching, working as a group, and using sound to represent an environment.