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PE and Sport Premium

Hampton Hargate Primary School - Sports Premium Statement

What is the ‘Sport Premium’?

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport – often referred to as a ‘Sport Premium’.  This funding is to be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. 

When asked about the 'Sport Premium' at its launch, Lord Coe reflected: ‘When I stood up in Singapore in 2005, I spoke of London's vision to connect young people with the inspirational power of the Games so they are inspired to choose sport. By focussing on primary schools, we have the opportunity to use sport and physical activity to shape the daily lives of young people. I know from my own experience what an impact teachers and their engagement can have on the lives of young people.’  (Lord Coe)

Schools will be held to account for how they spend the sport funding. Ofsted will strengthen its coverage of sport and PE within the Inspectors’ Handbook and supporting guidance, so that schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision offered.

Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their school website, alongside their curriculum details, so parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.

Current Provision

We are proud of the current PE curriculum provision at our school and of the wealth of extra-curricular opportunities that we provide for our pupils.  Sporting Clubs include football, basketball, netball, tag rugby and multi skills. Some of which are funded by our sports premium.

Each year we hold an annual Hampton Hargate Sports Week, where every child in the school gets to experience professionally coached sports sessions in a variety of physical activities that they wouldn’t normally get the chance to try in school.  These activities include, climbing walls, archery, aeroball, lacrosse, golf, boccia and curling, circus skills, skateboarding and even laser tag to get them physically active.  This is an incredibly successful event and is greatly enjoyed by the children.  We receive excellent feedback from parents each year too.  It also raises the profile of sport and PE across the school.

We have organised and funded A-life workshops for children across the school, educating them on healthy lifestyles, the benefits of physical exercise, nutrition and building healthy habits that remain with them for life.  We have received great feedback from the children and teachers about the benefits of these sessions.

We fund festivals as opportunities for the children to compete against their peers from other schools and to take part in sport at a competitive level.  These are excellent for developing team work, leadership qualities and for encouraging children to take part in sporting activity at a high level.

We ensure that our school is well resources for the PE lessons we undertake.  We have excellent equipment and use the funding to provide new resources where needed.  This also includes a school wide PE scheme that ensures coverage and progression through all areas of physical activity.

The premium is used to provide CPD opportunities for our staff, either through whole staff training, Course for our PE co-ordinator’s or through coaches coming in to model teaching strategies to individual teachers.  This impacts all of our students by ensuring that staff have the skills to teach high quality PE sessions and help to establish good habits and a love of sport and physical activity for all of our children.

Yr 6 Swimming Competency

Primary schools are required to publish details about the swimming competency of their year 6 cohort

  *   Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres:   64.4%
  *   Use a range of strokes effectively:  72%
  *   Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations:   72%