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Welcome to our PSHE page

PSHE Curriculum Intent

At Hampton Hargate Primary School, we endeavour to teach our pupils what it is to be a well-rounded member of the society. Through our whole school approach, we enable our children to have a thorough understanding of mental and physical wellbeing as well as discussing our emotions within a safe and secure environment. As a member of modern Britain, we strive to understand and appreciate being a member of a diverse and multi-cultural society without losing our individual identity. Throughout the school, we ensure the children have positive role models and are able to apply what they have learnt throughout the PSHE curriculum to everyday life. As part of the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, we aim to develop their knowledge of the British Values (democracy, rule of law, respect and tolerance and individual liberty) and how this impacts our day-to-day lives. A central part of our ethos is to enable our children to develop resilience, perseverance and independence alongside a positive mindset. This is something we recognise and celebrate.

Our scheme ‘1Decision’ aims to deliver weekly lessons to equip our children within an ever-changing society. These are taught at an age appropriate level from EYFS to Year 6 and are accessible to all (including Relationships and Sex Education). Within these lessons, children develop their skills and knowledge to help prepare them for adolescence and adulthood. Through this, we hope the guidance they receive throughout their school life will prepare and support the children allowing them to flourish. 

Please click on the link below for more information.

Throughout KS1, we will also be using the NSPCC PANTS resources to ensure children know the scientific names for their body parts, understanding what 'private' means and to be able to confidently disclose any incidences they may have using the right terminology. Here is the link to the website for all information, resources and parent guide.

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