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Pupil Premium

Hampton Hargate Primary School  -  Pupil Premium: 2023/24

Pupil Premium Information

Please see the attachment at the bottom of the page for a copy of the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.

Key Facts

  • Our school community promotes and encourages high expectations of all pupils
  • Outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2 in July 2020 continue to remain in line with previous National FSM but due to COVID-19 we have no National comparative data.
  • Ofsted (Sept 2015) noted: "Senior leaders and governors use the pupil premium funding very effectively. As a result, disadvantaged pupils achieve exceptionally well, and gaps have closed in English and mathematics for these pupils when compared with their classmates."
  • We are engaged in and committed to partnership working with a wide range of schools and organisations which strongly enhances our provision and supports our local community. our Teaching School status enables us to facilitate this. 
  • The school has excellent partnerships with a range of agencies and works extremely effectively with external agencies to support all pupils and families in need of help.
  • Accreditations reflecting our best practice include: SFVS – School Financial Value Standard; Healthy Schools Award; STEM Ambassadors Award; Inclusion Charter Mark;  EAL Gold Quality Mark; Core Offer in Extended School Provision; Stephen Lawrence Award; Peterborough ECO Framework; Equality mark; Governor Mark

Recent Initiatives / Improvements:

  • Increased percentages of children working at or above age related levels
  • Gap between key groups has been narrowed in all Key Stages
  • Improved phonics scores and continue to be well above National
  • Team Leaders established across each phase (5/6, 3/4, 1/2, Rec) continue to improve quality of teaching, ensure greater consistency in practice and expectations thus reducing any within school variance
  • Earlier intervention in place in years 1/2, 3/4 and EYFS
  • Early identification and intervention for pupils new to our school
  • Outstanding behaviour achieved through revision of whole school approach - introduction of “It’s Good to be Green” scheme spring 2014
  • Booster clubs set up across KS2 which take place after school and during lunchtimes 
  • Established IT infrastructure, including the use of net books, chrome books and ipads allows IT to be delivered effectively in classes as well as interactive touch screens.
  • Reorganised and beautifully designed library and teaching space to support teaching of reading and 1:1 / small group interventions and extensive new reading initiatives and resources
  • Outstanding safeguarding procedures and systems (Ofsted September 2015)
  • Increased uptake of extended school provision
  • Increased sports provision in school time and after school clubs
  • Increased musical instrument opportunities
  • Early help assessments
  • Family Support Worker
  • Sleep Right – pupil support
  • MASG (Multi-Agency Support Group)
  • Dyslexia Expert Teacher in school
  • SEND agencies including Educational Psychologist, Support for Learning, Occupational Therapy, speech and Language therapist (based on individual needs)
  • YoUnited
  • Young Carers
  • Family support
  • Barnardos
  • Food Bank

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2020-2021

Total number of pupils on roll


Total number of pupils eligible for PPG


Amount of PPG received per pupil

Varies on need from £310 - £1345

Total amount of PPG received



Review date

September 2021

Year Group Item/Project Objective Impact/Outcome
5/6 Boosters HA and LA

Extending School Hours

Programme of revision for SATs

Increased attainment in KS2 English and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

Increase in confidence.

More able/Greater depth provision – maths / English

Drawing in expertise

Extended provision for higher attaining children

Increased attainment at Greater Depth

Increased attainment in KS2 English and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

Increase in confidence.

One to one tuition

Individualising support at all level

Targeted support for children to address misconceptions, gaps and weaknesses

Increase in confidence and attainment.

Focus on next steps and reinforcement of teaching.

Increased attainment in KS2 English and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

Increase in confidence.

Small groups in reading comp, GPS, writing and maths – HA and LA

Individualising support at all levels

Small group work to extend children’s writing and maths skills

Increase in confidence and attainment.

Reinforcement of key skills.

Increased attainment in KS2 English and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

Increase in confidence.

3 / 4 Small groups in writing and maths – HA and LA

Individualising support at all levels

Small group work to extend children’s writing and maths skills

Increased attainment in writing and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

1 / 2 Boosters – HA and LA

Extending Learning Time

Programme of revision for SATs

Increased attainment in KS1 English and maths (Assessment Data)
Small groups phonics, writing and maths – HA and LA

Individualising support at all levels

Small group work to extend children’s writing and maths skills

Increased attainment in writing and maths (Assessment Data)

All children progress at least 2 / 3 sub levels progress (Assessment Data)

Increased attainment in writing and maths (Assessment Data)

All children making at least expected and identified progress (Assessment Data)

EYFS Additional TA in EYFS and Year 1

Individualising support at all levels

Targeted for identified children with significant SEN

Targeted for additional reading support

SEN children settle well and quickly, making good progress (Discussion, Observations and Assessment Data)
Whole school Team Leaders

Promoting high quality daily teaching and sharing expertise:

• Setting high expectations

• Developing  teachers’ practice

• Ensuring  consistent implementation of school initiatives

• Facilitating sharing good practice

• Improving quality of assessment

• Planning for and delivering interventions

• Quality assurance

• Data analysis

• Monitoring and evaluation

Improved quality first teaching

Consistent implementation of practice and expectations across school (Lesson observations / Monitoring file)

Increased % of children working at or above age related expectations (Assessment Data)


Whole School Deputy and Assistant Headteachers

To monitor and track the progress of PP children; liaising with relevant staff ensuring that all children are receiving relevant and appropriate opportunities.

· Setting high expectations

· Developing practice.

Leading Pupil Progress Meetings

· Reporting to Governors

· Reporting to Head teacher

· Monitoring progress and data

· Regular meetings with the PP teachers to discuss progress and next steps

· Key link between staff and additional interventions

INSET to staff regarding new initiatives and updates on PP

To enable the gap to be narrowed and closed in the learning for these identified pupils.
Whole School Outside & Enrichment activities; author visits Providing children with additional experiences beyond the classroom to enhance their life skills and learning. Broaden their experiences and extend their thinking.

Children share new experiences with other children and build on this by using it as a point of reference to build on. Enables them to a first hand experience to apply to their learning through maths and literacy projects.

Inspire children’s creativity.

Whole School

Targeted parents’ meetings

(Family Support Worker)

Engaging Parents in learning: Targeted parents meetings providing support / guidance with regard curriculum, children’s levels and next steps

Targeted family work to support families in overcoming barriers to attendance and barriers to the children’s learning

Discussion with parents

Targeted children make accelerated progress

Improved attendance (Attendance analysis)

Identified children Nurture Groups

Building Belief:

Providing additional support for children with a range of needs – emotional, social, behavioural, attendance / punctuality etc.

Barriers to learning are overcome and targeted children make 2 sub levels+ progress
Y5 and Y6 Homework club for Y5/6 PP Providing support at all levels and giving children the confidence and reinforcement needed. 100% of all children making at least expected and identified progress by end of KS2
Identified Y6 Children Contribution to Y6 Residential To enable children to attend and participate in the residential.

Children to share experiences with peer group.

increase in Independence, confidence. 

Identified PP Children

Music Lesson


To support a Y6 pupil with 1:1 music lessons.


Children to access music lessons. 

Increase in confidence.

Music skills and attainment. 

KS1 Enrichment Day with an Artist To produce art for the sensory courtyard and library and corridors

Children to have access and experience of a new skill.

Produce something to be proud of and to celebrate.


Enrichment Day with an Artist


Year 6 Cinema Visit

To produce art for the sensory courtyard and library and corridors


Follow up media work to engage and inspire outcomes.

Children to have access and experience of a new skill.

Produce something to be proud of and to celebrate.

Whole School Enrichment events through the year

Planting outdoor area.

Cookery opportunities throughout the year including baking shortbread for the homeless shelter at Christmas. 

Designing own Sweet Rooms linked to core text.

Producing own story books.

Diwali assembly.

star Dome- interactive day.



Impact of Pupil Premium Spending

The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil is thorough to ensure we can quickly identify any issues and develop sensible strategies and interventions to encourage and promote improvement.

  • A wide range of data is used – achievement data, pupils’ work, observations, learning walks, case studies, and staff, parent and pupil voice
  • Assessment  Data  is  collected  at key dates during the year  so  that  the  impact  of  interventions  can  be monitored regularly
  • Assessments are closely moderated to ensure they are accurate
  • Pupil Progress meetings each term are used to ensure the identification of children is reviewed and good or better progress is being made
  • Feedback about performance is given to children and parents
  • Interventions are adapted or changed if they are not working
  • Case  studies  are  used  to  evaluate  the  impact  of  pastoral  interventions,  such  as  on attendance and behaviour
  • All members of SLT maintain an overview of pupil premium relating to their own KS Team as well as having an overview of the whole school position/progress
  • Governors are updated termly and challenge the school on both progress and spending
  • Raise Online data identifies a closing of the gap and that children are making good or better progress over time with improving 3 year trend data.

Pupil Premium support/interventions in addition to PP sessions

Reception Interventions

Fine motor skills

1:1 support & small group work

Letter formation.

Challenge for more able writers and mathematicians

Phonic interventions

Paston Pack interventions

EAL talk group

Target Readers

Year 1 Interventions

Target readers (daily and weekly)

Target writers


Writing boosters

Number boosters

EAL support

Target maths groups – weekly

Sensory Circuits


Paston Pack

Reading Recovery teacher (Estella Todisco)

Sunshine Club

BRSP (Better Reading Support Partner)

Year 2 interventions

Reading skills booster

Writing skills booster
(inc. handwriting)

Phonic booster group

Target readers

Toe by toe

Numeracy booster

Sensory Circuits

Maths work with Intervention Support from lead Tessa Brooker

Every Child A Reader (Estella Todisco)

1st Class @ Number

Power of 2

BRSP (Better Reading Support Partner)

Year 3 Interventions

Catch up @ Number 

Talk for Number

Paston pack

Supported spelling


Family support worker

Sunshine club

Beginners phonics

EAL group- supporting all EAL

Target readers

Timestables awards 

Year 4 interventions

Numeracy booster

TAs delivering pre-teaching to enable children to access learning with their peers

Social skills:
Early Starters


Paston pack

Supported spelling

Numbers count


Family support worker

Sunshine club

Sensory Circuits

Year 5 Interventions


Boosters – all teachers running one

Catch up Numeracy for identified pupils 

Focus groups with Mrs Bird

Next steps support – assisting children

Target readers

Supported spellings

Sensory Circuits

1:1 support

Mental Maths targeted group

MAG&T Literacy group

Brain Booster sessions

Year 6 interventions

Booster groups with teachers

Target readers

Booster groups with head

Toe by toe

Sensory circuits

Small group support in lessons

Focused interventions in lessons

Supported spelling

Some 1:1 supported as required in the lessons

Sensory Circuits

Success @ Arithmetic: Calculation

Maths support from Maths Intervention lead Tessa Brooker

Early Starters

Rapid Reading

MAG&T Booster Groups

Easter and Saturday School booster

Brain Booster sessions


Whole School

Clubs to support children with Dyslexia to support and empower further

Please refer to the Policies Section for a copy of the Pupil Premium Policy. 

Please click the OUR CLASSES tab and select Trips & Visits from the sub-menu