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Welcome to our Writing page.

A Guide to Writing Progression
Our school works with TT Education, School Improvement Provider of the Year.

The skills and vocabulary progression guide from TT Education provides teachers with a clear framework for planning, highlighting key skills and vocabulary. Written by current practitioners, for current practitioners, this document is fully aligned with the objectives and expectations of the Primary National Curriculum and the EYFS Framework.

This ‘Progression in Writing’ document contains age-appropriate writing skills, knowledge and understanding for each year group. It contains direct references to the National Curriculum and the Early Years guidance documents ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’.

The document is used to support teachers in planning whole class, group, shared and guided writing sessions. It also supports our school's curriculum vision and planning with the delivery and progression of skills, as well as teacher assessment judgements.

Spelling Shed

The school uses Spelling Shed as a teaching and learning resource. Every child from Y1-Y6 has an individual log-in for this online resource which helps them to practise spelling via simple games at school and at home. The games give different degrees of support in the form of difficulty modes; Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme. Children can practise as much as they like on lower levels before trying to gain high scores on the higher levels. The scores achieved give a league position and each class has its own league position within a school league and a world league. Please click on the link below to access Spelling Shed:


The school has recently purchased Letterjoin. This is an online resource that enables all pupils from Reception to Year 4 to access handwriting activities and letter formation. Pupils can access resources and activities from home which reflect how they are learning within school. This may also be set as homework. Please click on the link below to access Letterjoin: