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Year 4

Spring Term 2025 


At the start of spring term, the children will be exploring the text ‘The Firework-Maker's Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman.  This follows the story of Lila, who embarks on a dangerous journey to gather Royal Sulphur from the depths of Mount Merapi to prove herself as a firework maker. This will provide us with many extended writing, reading and drama opportunities. We will also be exploring poetry through the book 'Cloud Soup' by Kate Wakeling. The poetry has a strong link to our 'States of Matter' topic whereby weather and climate will be further explored. The author has a playfulness with words that is engaging, we will be exploring figurative language as well as looking specifically at creating our own kennings poetry.


During the spring term, pupils will continue to develop their knowledge of spelling patterns and rules, they will be working towards using a variety of punctuation and enhancing their understanding and use of different grammatical terms. Children will look at ways to improve the quality of their sentences such as using expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, inverted commas for direct speech and organising their writing in paragraphs. These are transferable skills which we hope will be applied to other curriculum subjects.


In our Maths lessons this term, we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division, time, geometry (shape, symmetry and angles) Fractions and Decimals. In the multiplication and division topic, we will improve our knowledge of times tables facts up to 12x12, alongside this, we will be learning written methods for multiplication and division which will help pupils work out larger equations. Then, we will explore years, months, weeks and days as well as reading a 12 hour and 24-hour clock. We will be looking at a variety of shapes and working out their area. We will be working with equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and fractions which are greater than 1. Also, this term, we will be looking at tenths and hundredths as decimals and dividing numbers by 10 and 100. Finally, the children will continue to work on their times table facts up to x12 ready for the Year 4 Multiplication Check in the Summer term. Throughout sessions we will focus on having a mastery approach whereby children will have plenty of opportunities to work on their problem solving and reasoning skills. We will also incorporate concrete, abstract and pictorial approaches to help support learners grasp new topics better.


This term we will use the music lesson to develop vocal strength and stamina, and prepare for the Year 4 production of “Sleeping Beauty – The Ugly Truth” in March. Through warm-ups, exercises and rehearsals the children will become more aware of how to use their voice in a performance. In addition, we will perform "Pen Drumming", where all we need to create music is pens! We will read percussion scores and interpret these as well as learning new rhythms and performing these in context.


In science this term we are going to investigate states of matter. Throughout this topic we will find out about solids, liquids and gases and what the properties of these materials are. We will compare and group materials based on their properties as well as investigate what happens to materials when we heat and cool them. The water cycle plays an important part of our learning this term as we understand how water changes from a liquid state to either a gas or solid. We will learn some topic specific vocabulary as well as develop our working scientifically skills through fun, engaging and practical investigations.


Our lessons in personal, social and health education will this term cover the importance of being responsible, including why it is important to be on time and how we can show responsibility in school. We will also consider ways of dealing with the feeling of jealousy and discuss how to constructively proceed so it does not negatively affect our behaviour. Our final module this term will be Online Bullying and what this may look like and it will also include how we can stay safe online.


Our new unit is all about the UK coasts and we will be looking at the North Yorkshire seaside town of Whitby, children will learn about the physical geography of Whitby. They will use maps, atlases and digital maps to explore the town and find out about what the land is used for and what there is to do in Whitby. Children will be encouraged to compare what they have learnt about Whitby with what they know about their own local area.


In the first half of the spring term Year 4 will be learning about the Romans and how they impacted Peterborough. We will be studying Peterborough and the surrounding areas and how they were affected by the Roman invasion in AD 43. We will be learning about why they invaded Peterborough and settled here. What evidence is there to suggest that they did? Why did Peterborough become an important settlement for the Romans? Finally, what did Peterborough provide the Romans with? This will be a fantastic opportunity for the students to delve into the History that surrounds them locally.


In computing this half term, the children will identify the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones) required to work with sound digitally. They will discuss the ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others. In order to record audio themselves, learners will use Audacity to produce a podcast, which will include editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and opening and saving the audio files. Finally, learners will evaluate their work and give feedback to their peers. After half term we will look at repetition and loops within programming. Pupils will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language.

E-safety is so important so the children will continue to learn about keeping safe online.


We will begin our RE this term by finding out more about what a Muslim believes. The children will start by understanding the importance of Allah to Muslims and will then explore The 5 Pillars of Islam. During this study we will find out more about what it is like to be a Muslim including finding out about The Qur’an and Mecca and why they are important. In the 2nd half term we will spend time considering what the real meaning of Easter is for Christians and the children will find out about the events leading up to Easter Sunday.


We recognise the importance that PE plays in the curriculum and we are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage in Physical Education. Sessions aim to develop children's basic physical competencies, build confidence in their ability and enhancing the foundations for a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. PE lessons encourage children to compete against themselves and others whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills. We are lucky enough to have specialised sports coaches to deliver some of our PE sessions, the children this term will be covering ball skills, swimming, gymnastics and basketball.


This term the children will be continuing to develop their sketchbooks as records of their own art journey. Continuing with our studies of The Romans, the children will look at sketching Roman busts and also how mosaics were used in both Ancient Rome and within architecture in more modern-day Spain with a study of Antoni Gaudi. After half term, the Geography topic is a coastal study of Whitby and our art will link to this region beginning with sketching fossils and using this as inspiration to create our own collage ammonites. The children will also explore the work of Yorkshire born artist Emma Stothard and her sculpture trail in Whitby.

4 DT

In DT this term the children will put their measuring skills to work by measuring 5 different lengths of bamboo in order to then saw them, sand them down and attach them together  to create a set of pan pies. This project is linked to our Sound topic in Science, which is being taught next term.