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Year 5

Spring Term 2025 


Throughout this term we are continuing to work on arithmetic and problem solving. There will also be a focus on multiplication and division as well as decimals and fractions. We are also looking at area and perimeter and will be linking this to simple and more complex shapes. Measuring, angles and data handling will also be covered. We will be moving onto time, while continuing to practise all our written methods. Towards the end of the term we will have a greater emphasis on practice SATs questions.


During the Spring term in English, the children will be studying 'Holes' by Louis Sachar to enhance their reading comprehension,  use various literary skills within their written outcomes and apply spelling and grammar knowledge to their writing. This book aims to capture the children's imagination and promote reading for pleasure. We will continue working hard to improve our spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. In addition, the children will be learning how to quickly retrieve information from a text as well as make inferences by reading between the lines.


In Science this term we are looking at forces and what causes an object to start moving, stop moving, speed up, slow down or change direction. We will investigate gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction. In addition, we will research how the work of scientists such as Galileo and Newton helped to develop the theory of gravity. The lessons will be hands on and will give children the opportunity to work scientifically to investigate a range of theories and ideas. We will then move on to a unit covering living things and their habitats. We will consider the life cycles of a variety of species.


Our History lessons will focus on the Vikings and the Anglo Saxons. We will work to understand the timelines and where these people are placed in the history of Britain. Children will investigate the relationship between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons and how they helped to create the country we live in today. In Geography we will investigate the Americas with a particular focus on North America. Children will have the opportunity to utilise their map skills to explore the continent and the individual countries. Lessons will include looking at the human and physical features of the USA and a comparison with the UK.


In “What is music?”, Year 5 will investigate the keyboard further, extending their playing ability and looking at other things the keyboard can do to help them improve their performance. They will listen to more Romantic Era music and start to plot this on a timeline to understand the development of the orchestra. Students will also look at the Spirituals of the 19th Century and their historical context. In addition, students will use their skills to sing in parts, and prepare songs for their end of term year 5 performance.


Our RE focus this term is different denominations of Christianity, considering how Christians express their faith in different ways. We will also investigate the similarities between these groups and find out how much they have in common. We will then move on to Humanism and consider Humanists belief that you don’t have to believe in a god in order to lead a good and fulfilling life.


There will be a chance to brush up on our sketching and painting skills this term in Art. We will create our own versions of Native American symbols such as the American eagle. The children will then use the totem pole as an inspiration for a piece of work while ensuring proportion and symmetry are accurate. We will then consider patterns and mark making from North America by designing and creating a “parfleche” container. There will then be further opportunities to investigate a range of colours and light and shade by creating a range of artworks.


In PE this term we are working on our team work with hockey and netball. As well as playing lots of games we will focus on the skills needed to be successful in both of these areas. In addition, we will have a change of pace with Yoga for indoor PE. Also, indoors will be gymnastics where we will work on balance and movement before creating our own sequences.


In our Design Technology unit this term we will develop our sewing skills, practising stitching before moving on to designing our own mobile phone holders. The children will have the opportunity to design their own holder, considering the correct sizing as well as an attractive and eye-catching feature. The children will then evaluate the finished design and consider ways of improving it. 


In Computing this term, the children will have the chance to develop their skills in physical computing. Pupils will work on setting up and programming microchip controllers called Crumbles.  We will then move on to using data bases to store and search for information. This will include ways of displaying information as well as a look at data bases in the real world.


Our lessons in personal, social and health education will this term cover the importance of looking out for others, considering ways of doing this in a thoughtful and effective way. We will also consider ways of dealing with anger, considering techniques for ensuring that extreme emotions don’t adversely affect our behaviour. There will also be an online aspect of PSHE this term as the children will be asked to reflect on the issues around image sharing.